Very few families have understood that their wealth consists of three forms of capital – human, intellectual & financial” – by James Huges

Welcome to the family office of
Sanjay Krishna Goyal
We are a private family office founded in 2022. Our mission is to enhance not only the family’s financial wealth but also to positively impact the lives of our individual family members as well as support social and business ventures which benefit all stakeholders and society as a whole.
Our focus is not on just growing our assets but also on being a force for positive change. We aim to be a family office that works towards creating a better world for everyone.
Sanjay Krishna Goyal
Sanjay is a thriving entrepreneur who has built multiple successful businesses. He started his first company at the age of 23. His second venture, founded in the year 2000, has been credited with revolutionizing the messaging technology in India. In 2020 the company was acquired by the global leader in the same industry. Sanjay continues to be a stakeholder in both his previous ventures and has recently founded his family office.

Our Social Venture
Anandaya Foundation is a not-for-profit organization founded by Jaishree Goyal. The foundation has developed a unique and impactful library program for underprivileged children. The program called “Pustakalaya” enhances children’s reading, comprehension and expression skills, encouraging critical thinking and enabling them to rise above rote learning.
The program has received wide spread praise from educators, students and the government. In a short span, the foundation has successfully established over 350 libraries benefitting more than 100,000 children. With an ambitious goal of creating 3,000 libraries, the foundation is also looking to create a digital platform to expand its reach to a much larger number of schools and children across India.
Managing our financial capital
“Money is not everything, but everything needs money”
We wish to protect and grow our financial capital long into the future. Our approach to managing the family wealth is conservative, disciplined and progressive.

Diversification across asset classes.

Making investments in quality assets for the long term.

Taking calculated and necessary risks only.

Evaluating opportunities with zeal but great caution.

Valuing the knowledge of trusted advisers.

We currently manage assets worth INR 500 crores

We currently manage assets of approx. INR 500 crores

Taking calculated and necessary risks only.

Diversification across asset classes.

Evaluating opportunities with zeal but great caution.

Valuing the knowledge of trusted advisers.

Making investments in quality assets for the long term.

We currently manage assets worth INR 500 crores.
We like to diversify our investments across asset classes, with a bias towards growth assets.
We prefer to make investments in quality assets for the long term.
We are happy to take risks we can understand.
We like to evaluate new opportunities with caution and patience.
We value the knowledge of trusted advisers.
We currently manage assets worth INR 500 crores

Citations on money by Inayat Khan, an Indian mystic of the early 20th century
Money - whom do you obey ?
To the one who has elevated himself above me, I shall become his slave and lie like dust at his feet”.
To read the full poem
© Copyright SKG FAMILY OFFICE 2023
Suite # 2001, Block B
Max House, Dr Jha Marg, Okhla Phase – 3
New Delhi -110020
© Copyright SKG FAMILY OFFICE 2023
Suite # 2001, Block B
Max House, Dr Jha Marg, Okhla Phase – 3
New Delhi -110020